What you see in your daily life is actually a representation of the inner self … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

In the night, before going to sleep, i started to have the habit of exploring and analyzing the day.

I try to see everything as a movie.

Close my eyes and try to understand what i like and what i dislike … and i wonder if i could change the scenario of that movie.

For years, for many of us, it happens that the days look as a repetitive event that is happening for tens or hundreds of times … without realizing we could change the script of our lives in a second … by taking a different decision.

I close my eyes, i see everything again … and i explore the day few more times.

I analyze all the details, i try to define them and then i am meditating how should i change reality by redefining everything.

I see all kinds of negative events that keep appearing to me on and on and on … and don’t understand why.

I see the argues i had with some of the people from my life … but can’t understand the repetitive facts.

Then in a second … everything is changing in my vision.

I realize that the problem is not … the environment where i live, not the people from my daily life … but me.

After this process of exploring few times everything, i see so clearly that i have the power to change my life, just by acting differently.

The events can look the same, but i can react in a different way … every time this is happening.

And it was so simple to see that … but i was blind and too stubborn to follow a positive path for my life, instead of a silly one.

Download the book ”Exploring ourselves … we will understand what life is about” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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