.“Big waves again ... let’s enjoy them ... don’t worry. It’s not a tsunami” … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

William was on the beach with his friend Johnathan … and they came in there to enjoy the Saturday afternoon.

It was an amazing day, like all the sunny days that they tasted in that place.

Will came with his surf board, but John wanted to feel safer and took his boat.

He was considering that surfing was a dangerous thing to do … and refused to listen to Will that was trying all the time to change his mind.

Will loved surfing … and for him was a way of feeling free when he was on the beach … but also a way of exploring his wild side.

In the real world, being a lawyer … he needed to follow all kinds of rules, laws, procedures … etc.

Beach … meant … connecting with the nature … and exploring the real beautiful side of life.

So … they entered into the ocean … and started to enjoy it … but suddenly the waves became bigger and bigger.

Will was loving to see that, but John started to be scared of what was going on.

He was playing on safe mode all the time … on the scene of life … but it was funny cause many times everything ended in a stupid way for him even if he was so precarious.

Waves became bigger and bigger … and laughing … Will is saying … “Big waves again … let’s enjoy them … don’t worry! It’s not a tsunami” … but John became scared to death in his boat and was hoping as the nightmare to end.

One was enjoying the waves … but the other one was seeing the death in front of his eyes … being overwhelmed by all types of contradictory emotions.

It was a balance between believing that he will die because he was too far away by the beach … and still hoping that he will survive and will make it.

The intensity of his emotions … were ruining his being … and at one moment he almost believed that he will make a heart attack.

The balance of all those emotions … was unbelievable.

In the meanwhile Will was feeling amazing.

He could not believe he was so lucky to have so many beautiful waves so that he will enjoy at maximum that day at the ocean.

2 human being … of the same age … same gender … very good friends … in the same place … one was believing he is in the Paradise and one was thinking that he is seeing the Hell in the front of his eyes.

Quite strange to see the same picture … and define the scene in a totally different way.

But in the end … John arrived on the beach and promised to himself that next time he will not enter into the water anymore … but only watch the ocean and nothing more.

He even mention to Will that he will sell the boat on half price … just to get rid of it.

Laughing behind his back … Will was asking John on the way to LA … “Listen John! Tell me one thing … but please don’t lie to me … and not yourself also.

In those moments … overwhelmed by all those weird emotions, when you thought that you might die soon … but i was enjoying the waves … still not being safe as you might thing … did you felt alive?!

I know that you saw the death in front of your eyes … but how could you describe this balance between hoping and losing the hope?!”

“Well Will! First of all … i want to say to you … damm you for bringing me on the beach today … but indeed it was a second … when seeing the death … i felt alive.

This is the mistake i do … i play on safe mode all the time … but the Universe is laughing of me and takes me to unbelievable situations as this one.

But i should also thank you … because you took me today to see the death that will not come yet … and maybe is the time to stop being afraid and let all those silly emotions control me.”

The day ended … and maybe there is a message in this story … but i will let you define it … as you want.

At the proper time … we will all understand ….

Download the book ”The dance of our emotions is a … nonsense … but a main part of our lives” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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